High Conflict Diversion Program™ Coach Training 

Become a Certified High Conflict Diversion Program™ Coach This Fall - Join for Our Training on October 4th-6th!

The field of working with parents in high conflict divorce and custody cases is growing rapidly and coaches having the skills to help this population is sadly lacking. Get the tools needed to serve this population in a way that gives them the skills they need to "Stop The Dance," and move forward with their children in a healthy way. 

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Coach Training

$2750 USD

Think outside of the traditional “box”

  • Gain a competitive edge
  • Expand your earning potential
  • Access to ongoing support
  • Make a real difference
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Transform the way you approach high conflict divorce and custody situations 

Our goal is to offer you a highly effective process to navigate through high conflict divorce, and get you to think outside of the traditional “box” for you and your clients. We have developed leading-edge strategies that have been enormously successful in helping clients and students through the maze of high conflict divorce.

By completing the training, you'll be able to differentiate yourself in the market, expand your earning potential, access ongoing support, and make a real difference in the lives of clients who are facing the complex and emotionally-charged landscape of high conflict divorce. 

Coach Training Application Form

Once we receive your completed form, one of our representatives will contact you to schedule a brief interview to walk you trough the training structure and to get you ready for it.

All The Tools You Need To Succeed: Enroll in Our High Conflict Diversion Program Today!

This training will help you both professionally and personally to clear out the underbrush of your own belief systems that get in the way of being more present for both you and your clients. It will bring forward your own mis-beliefs and distortions and help keep the trapdoor of counter-transference out of the picture to the extent possible.

Also for parents that want to take their disengage, disengage, disengage to the next level. The ability to see things from a clearer perspective and to move from a more centered place that is anchored in Self and having an understanding of a non dualistic outcome will take your process exponentially higher and your present with your children toward a more secured attached relationship.

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Three-Day Training

In just three intense and comprehensive days, you'll receive all the training and tools you need to become a highly skilled and confident divorce coach. You'll learn how to effectively handle high conflict situations, provide support to clients navigating complex legal proceedings, and help them find healthy solutions for moving forward.

Limited Places

We have limited places for the High Conflict Divorce Coaching Training Program to ensure that each participant receives personalized attention and support from our experienced trainers. By keeping the class sizes small, we can provide a high-quality training experience and ensure that every participant has ample opportunity to ask questions and receive feedback.

Live Webinar

We bring the training to your backyard. How often do you get the expert on a field to live right on your city? We offer a Live Webinar option to provide a flexible learning experience that allows participants to attend remotely from anywhere in the world. This option is ideal for those who may not be able to attend an in-person training due to distance, time constraints, or other obligations. 

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What people are saying

Shelly Hay

This program is something that deeply changed the course of my own experience, and ability to navigate the conflicts as they surface, as well as has empowered me to want to help others to do the same. It is truly a transformational course. The High Conflict Diversion Coaches which lead this program have deep personal experience and share their own vulnerabilities, which is part of what makes this program extraordinarily effective.

Monica Borschel

Brook deeply understands how past experiences, personality, and the nervous system result in different conflict styles.  In this training, I learned how to take a deeper look at my reactions and the reactions of those around me.  I have used the skills taught in this course to help my clients respond and not react.  Because of this course, I have a deeper understanding of myself and others.  

Tony M.

The Coaching Training is the most impactful weekend you can have to expand and comprehend this material. This comprehensive class helps you personally, and how you interact with the people and family you come in contact with. I highly recommend this class for all students and teachers looking for change in the way they view and participate in the world around them.

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High Conflict Divorce Expert Brook Olsen HHP/SEP

Brook Olsen is a Certified Parenting Educator with the International Network for Children and Families, a Certified Divorce Mediator, Divorce Coach, Founder and host of the High Conflict Co-Parenting Podcast and author of The Black Hole of High Conflict, which offers perspectives and strategies for navigating a high conflict divorce.

A Personal Experience with High Conflict Divorce

After his own litigious, two-and-a-half year high-conflict divorce, Brook saw the need for a holistic approach to divorce mediation, which included meditation, managing trauma, and an understanding of how personality traits and personality disorders create high conflict in a divorce.

Brook teaches classes in the High Conflict Diversion Program and trains instructors to teach the Program throughout the U.S. and Canada. He also leads workshops in communication for couples and is a peer consultant for fellow professionals.


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